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How crisp fried garlic is produced

更新时间:16/04/19 17:02:04     来源:www.jxhsgarlic.com关闭分    享:

Crisp fried garlic is an irregular, granular, with a light garlic flavor and aroma of spicy snack foods, the majority of consumers. Here, I will briefly explain how crisp fried garlic is made, the friends you want to know can look at.

Production methods crisp fried garlic is fresh garlic, cut into pieces, and then placed in hot peanut oil, about six minutes, until the garlic showing a pale golden color and a touch of garlic can fish. Crisp fried garlic fish should be placed in the jar, the crisp fried garlic peanut oil used to cool after poured inside the jar, cover and seal can be.

Crisp fried garlic family, the hotel eat spices, enticing aroma and unique taste. If you want to wholesale crisp fried garlic and other products, welcomed the choice of our company, affordable, large favorably. Tracy: Autumn Q


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