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The nutritional value of dehydrated onion

更新时间:16/05/06 14:52:05     来源:www.jxhsgarlic.com关闭分    享:
Dehydrated onion is the result of washing, drying and other processing production, off one kind of dried vegetables and onion after most of the water formed. Many of my friends want to know after the onion dehydration treatment whether there are nutritional value, below dehydrated onion manufacturers to answer this question for you, look forward to your attention.
      Dehydrated onion with small size, light weight, quick return into the water, transportation convenience food, delicious, fresh color and other characteristics. After dehydrated onion dehydration process, its color and nutrients remained unchanged, contains nutrients is also very rich. Dehydrated onion major nutrients protein, iron, phosphorus, selenium, vitamins, fiber, carbohydrates and so on.
      Dehydrated onion in selenium, an antioxidant, regular consumption of good for your health. Our company produces dehydrated onion affordable, quality assurance, welcome to consult purchase, large favorably. Tracy: Autumn Q


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