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Fried garlic slices


Garlic --peeling--selection--rinsing--disinfection--section--spin-dry--dried--select-- water-soak- -spin-dry--fried--oil throwing--cold--select--packing.

1, raw materials: raw materials must be from the company's plant base, each batch of raw materials must be accepted according to the standard of raw materials storage.
2, disinfection: peeled garlic disinfection time is 10 minutes, the concentration of chlorine dioxide is 60-70ppm
3, drying: the temperature is 60-65 minutes, the time is about 8 hours.
4, fried: the key control point for the temperature and time, the data is the company’s confidential data.
5, packaging: before the finished product packed in the box , it must go through the metal detector to detect, prevent metal foreign body.

以上是关于Fried garlic slices厂家,Fried garlic slices价格,Fried garlic slices加工,Fried garlic slices哪家好的详细介绍
地区产品: 金乡Fried garlic slices厦门Fried garlic slices漳州Fried garlic slices云南Fried garlic slices上海Fried garlic slices山东Fried garlic slices广州Fried garlic slices福建Fried garlic slices揭阳Fried garlic slices香港Fried garlic slices北京Fried garlic slices
更新时间:16/04/11 17:53:04   【打印此页】   【关闭



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